Thursday, February 25, 2016

Here goes nothing.

For a few years, people have kindly requested that I do a blog of some sorts and for those few years, I thought "yeah! That sounds fun!" But I never did. Why? Great question. 

You see, I'm not exactly the BEST when it comes to where to put the commas and such; it seems like a lot of effort to write the "perfect" blog. But as I'm laying here, unemployed, I am thinking "who the hell cares as long as I know the difference between there and their!?" So, you got it! 

Since this is my first post, I won't go into any deep, emotional or even inspirational crap, just an intro into who I am and next week we'll get into the good stuff. Cool?

I'm Katie. I absolutely love my dog, Mauer. I love and breathe for country music, Jason Aldean is the key to my heart. If I'm on my 5th cup of coffee, just think of it as my lifeline, or yours. And, the girl you see smiling and running in that picture, never use to be that way until I found the gym where I've managed to lose over 130lbs and am still working on it. 

What do I do for a living? Well, if you were paying attention earlier, I'm unemployed. Yep, 27 and jobless. 

Ever since I was 9 years old, I wanted to be in radio. I thought of nothing else every day of my adolescence, besides boys, of course. I got to college, got an internship, then a part time job for someone I dreamt of working for. Then, I was offered a job co hosting on a country morning show in Helena, MT with an amazing boss. 

I packed up my little dog and my clothes and we rode off into the mountains to a new life. 

That's Mauer on the long car ride to MT, what a champ!

I was alone in my first apartment with my dog and an air mattress. Eventually, I met some nice people who befriended me, but it still felt empty. 

5 months later, I was offered a chance to move home. I struggled with this decision only because I had an amazing boss, but I took the job in St Cloud, MN and here I am back home. Unemployed, to my surprise. 

What did I learn? Well, nobody has time for that list. 

Unemployment sucks, I'm bored and constantly stressed out. But I've got my dog, great friends, the gym and country music. Oh, and coffee, of course. And to those friends, thank you for putting up with me through this. I love you guys and I will never be able to express how you guys saved me from escaping into a very dark place. 

It's very easy to find yourself in a dark, scary place, but make sure to know who you can call when you feel yourself slipping, it's then that you'll realize who really cares. 

Enough sappy crap, right? On to the job hunt I go! 

Next week, I'll answer the question I get asked the most, what made me start my weight loss journey? 


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