Sunday, April 3, 2016

5 Favorites Right Now!

It's one of my favorite times of year, ACM weekend! All the country stars flock to Vegas to perform and maybe give out a few awards!

I was actually suppose to be in Vegas this weekend, but we won't get into that. Instead, I thought I'd let you in on my 5 favorite songs playing on country radio right now! (Click the titles to hear the songs!)

Obviously, it's my guy. I got this song midnight Friday and it's the only thing I've been listening to. It's an old to the #AldeanArmy, the ones who spend their hard earned money to be able to see his shows, couldn't be happier with the lead single from his next album; Aldean and the boys about to blow it up!

I swear, I've never really been a church goer, and I love to escape and crank my radio up to sing along really loud. Basically, if I could sing and write a song, this is what it would sound like!

I heard this back in October and I thought "man, this is cheesy. But why can't I stop smiling!!" I love the old timey sound of this song and the lyrics like "The way you sparkle like a diamond ring, maybe someday we'll make it a thing." Pardi is super hard to resist in this one! 

First, I think we can all agree that Cassadee sings the heck out of this song. Wow! There's a chance you've seen/heard me around town screaming this song at the top of my lungs. I just can't help myself! It's about dating one of your best friends, then you break up but you guys have the same friends and no one knows why and think it's dumb that it ended. So good! 

Can I just first confess that all I want in life is to be that pillow? Click the link. Watch the damn video! It's also another "scream singer!"

Honorable mentions because I need to include TR:

He's the future of country music. This song makes you wanna dance and sing and it also puts a smile on your face as you think of that one person you just can't break free from!

Basically for all of us who knew better than to give our hearts to someone who will never stick around, but we did it anyways!

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